Arrival Procedures

  • Morning supervision in the cafeteria begins at 7:15AM. Please do not drop off your child prior to 7:15AM. If you arrive prior to this time, the doors will not be open and you will be asked to remain outside until 7:15AM.

  • If you are dropping off in a car and want to walk your child in, please pull your car forward past 8th street and the front entrance of the building (heading toward 7th street from Fulkerson). Do not park your car on the road in front of the school’s cafeteria as that is where our buses unload.

  • Please do not park on Spring Street along the school sidewalk facing the WRONG WAY as you may be ticketed. Unfortunately this happened already to one person as the police are periodically checking.

  • All students who need to eat breakfast should go directly to the cafeteria as soon as they arrive in the morning so they have ample time to eat.

  • Students who do not need to eat breakfast should either sit on the hallway benches or line up along the front windows until the 7:45AM bell rings.

  • All students in grades PK-5 must be dropped off in the main lobby. Parents and guardians will not be permitted to walk to the classrooms. We have staff members on each floor to assist and supervise students as they make their way to the classrooms. By this time of year all of the students know how to get to their classrooms. If you need to speak with your child’s teacher, the easiest way to reach them is via email or leave a message in the main office for them.

  • All Special Start parents will drop their children off directly at the outside classroom door of the room instead of coming into and through the building.

  • Any child who arrives after 7:45AM must check in with the main office to get a late pass. Our instructional time and many specialists begin right at 7:45AM so please make every effort to be on time so your child does not miss important learning opportunities.
    • Parents of students who are late are expected to drop their child off in the main office instead of walking them to the classrooms.
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